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Guardian of the knowledge

Even if hammocks are daily business in Guatemala, in some areas just a few people still have the know how to weave. This blind craftsman was the last guardian of this knowledge in the village of Monterrico, on the Pacific Coast.

The interview of a blind craftsman from the fishermen’s village of Monterrico, crafting a hammock by hand with a weaving shuttle.

2 thoughts on “Guardian of the knowledge

  1. What is the situation regarding the knowledge of weaving hammocks in some areas of Guatemala? regard Anchor Text

    1. Overall, the know-how associated with this type of production is still evolving and innovating, but it’s under threat. Today, handcrafted quality is widely underrated by the public and too often copied.

      Some of our Craftsmen from villages facing civil fights for decades left for the US and stopped the production of fabric since Covid. Just for those hammocks, several traditional skills (ctint, stitch, fabric) from men’s and women’s of various communities are involved. Other partners use innovating bicycle machines to prepare threads for net hammocks. We also learned that some prisoners from Guatemala state prison are manufacturing net hammocks.

      We believe it’s important to support and promote handicraft with public and private initiatives.
      Our craftsmen need support to make their product visible and available for the most.

      Best, Fred

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